I wrote this piece in my blog (discarded now), exactly four years ago and its amazing to see what thoughts crossed my mind back then.
When I wrote it only God and I had some idea about why I wrote this and what it meant.....but I believe now only God knows why I wrote this and what it means!
Here we go:
Swami Vivekananda once said......."Stomach comes before head"
Why should I disagree, I am the observer of this universal reality
cutting across every thinkable form of living being.
Why bother?
I don't.
For your every conscious action there is an underlying INCENTIVE, perceived,
real, imaginary, or otherwise. So I don't bother.
Wait I bother.........yes I do?
But in a special case only...
Its nothing but pure economics at its play.
OUTCOME:- You will go where you see BETTER rewards in the form of incentives
very well measurable in economic terms.
I am sorry, but I hate it.
You're welcome if you can help me!
When I wrote it only God and I had some idea about why I wrote this and what it meant.....but I believe now only God knows why I wrote this and what it means!
Here we go:
Swami Vivekananda once said......."Stomach comes before head"
Why should I disagree, I am the observer of this universal reality
cutting across every thinkable form of living being.
Why bother?
I don't.
For your every conscious action there is an underlying INCENTIVE, perceived,
real, imaginary, or otherwise. So I don't bother.
Wait I bother.........yes I do?
But in a special case only...
Its nothing but pure economics at its play.
OUTCOME:- You will go where you see BETTER rewards in the form of incentives
very well measurable in economic terms.
I am sorry, but I hate it.
You're welcome if you can help me!