It turned out to be a good decision.
Although this is not a movie review kind of stuff, just want to share few thoughts about this movie. It is loaded with concepts and its convoluted story line keep you on your toes, you gotta keep thinking to stay connected.
There are a few things about this movie which place it to higher orbit of intellectual plane yet not loosing the grip on the most fundamental of the human emotions i.e. Love.
This is about Love as well. There are instances when you iare under the spell of its captivating power. It grips you soul and you empathize with the protagonist. Revisit the scene where Mal tries to re

Its not hard to see the desperation and yearning in Cobb's eyes as he watches Mal with kids, knowing fully well that she is dead, its just his own mental projection of Mal and kids in the dream world.
He tries and overcomes his overriding desire to reunite with Mal but instead chooses to step back and get to work. Why? Because he has two beautiful kids waiting for him back at home. They are his world.
Here is what Cobb says when he meets her in the limbo state of dream world:
''I miss you more than I can bear, but we had our time together. I have to let you go''